Virginia Woolf Quotes

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) was an English writer. She is considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device.

Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind. ― Virginia Woolf

Here is a collection of Virginia Woolf most famous quotes: Virginia Woolf Quotes about love, beauty, life, feminism, women, freedom and emancipation. Quotes and Sayings on writing, books, library, history, stories, love, poetry, emotion, women, inequality, self love, solitude, truth and misogyny by Virginia Woolf.

Virginia Woolf Quotes and Sayings

I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.

― Virginia Woolf

Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.

― Virginia Woolf

Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.

― Virginia Woolf

To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.

― Virginia Woolf

Books are the mirrors of the soul.

― Virginia Woolf

It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: one must be a woman manly, or a man womanly.

― Virginia Woolf

Why are women.... so much more interesting to men than men are to women?

― Virginia Woolf

Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.

― Virginia Woolf

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

― Virginia Woolf

The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mold of the body and mind.

― Virginia Woolf

No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself. ― Virginia Woolf

If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.

― Virginia Woolf

Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.

― Virginia Woolf

As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.

― Virginia Woolf

Language is wine upon the lips.

― Virginia Woolf

I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realises an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only about the past.

― Virginia Woolf

Boredom is the legitimate kingdom of the philanthropic.

― Virginia Woolf

As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking.

― Virginia Woolf

If one could be friendly with women, what a pleasure - the relationship so secret and private compared with relations with men. Why not write about it truthfully?

― Virginia Woolf

Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.

― Virginia Woolf

Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.

― Virginia Woolf

If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people. ― Virginia Woolf

When you consider things like the stars, our affairs don't seem to matter very much, do they?

― Virginia Woolf

The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.

― Virginia Woolf

The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.

― Virginia Woolf

It is the nature of the artist to mind excessively what is said about him. Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.

― Virginia Woolf

There was a star riding through clouds one night, and I said to the star, 'Consume me'.

― Virginia Woolf

There is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us, and not we, them; we may make them take the mould of arm or breast, but they mould our hearts, our brains, our tongues to their liking.

― Virginia Woolf

No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.

― Virginia Woolf

Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.

― Virginia Woolf

Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.

― Virginia Woolf

It is far more difficult to murder a phantom than a reality.

― Virginia Woolf

You cannot find peace by avoiding life. ― Virginia Woolf

Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.

― Virginia Woolf

You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

― Virginia Woolf

Nothing thicker than a knife's blade separates happiness from melancholy.

― Virginia Woolf

Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more.

― Virginia Woolf

What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.

― Virginia Woolf

If we help an educated man's daughter to go to Cambridge are we not forcing her to think not about education but about war? - not how she can learn, but how she can fight in order that she might win the same advantages as her brothers?

― Virginia Woolf

I am rooted, but I flow.

― Virginia Woolf

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.

― Virginia Woolf

How much better is silence; the coffee cup, the table. How much better to sit by myself like the solitary sea-bird that opens its wings on the stake. Let me sit here for ever with bare things, this coffee cup, this knife, this fork, things in themselves, myself being myself.

― Virginia Woolf

Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.

― Virginia Woolf

Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women? ― Virginia Woolf

Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.

― Virginia Woolf

Yet, it is true, poetry is delicious; the best prose is that which is most full of poetry.

― Virginia Woolf

Second hand books are wild books, homeless books; they have come together in vast flocks of variegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes of the library lack.

― Virginia Woolf

We can best help you to prevent war not by repeating your words and following your methods but by finding new words and creating new methods.

― Virginia Woolf

Orlando naturally loved solitary places, vast views, and to feel himself for ever and ever and ever alone.

― Virginia Woolf

It was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world, whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always, she had to admit, interesting.

― Virginia Woolf

A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.

― Virginia Woolf

This soul, or life within us, by no means agrees with the life outside us. If one has the courage to ask her what she thinks, she is always saying the very opposite to what other people say.

― Virginia Woolf

A woman knows very well that, though a wit sends her his poems, praises her judgment, solicits her criticism, and drinks her tea, this by no means signifies that he respects her opinions, admires her understanding, or will refuse, though the rapier is denied him, to run through the body with his pen.

― Virginia Woolf

That great Cathedral space which was childhood.

― Virginia Woolf

I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything. ― Virginia Woolf

Love, the poet said, is woman's whole existence.

― Virginia Woolf

I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old: but now I am a woman again - as I always am when I write.

― Virginia Woolf

All extremes of feeling are allied with madness.

― Virginia Woolf

Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe.

― Virginia Woolf

I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.

― Virginia Woolf

Sleep, that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.

― Virginia Woolf

The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.

― Virginia Woolf

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.

― Virginia Woolf

Melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night.

― Virginia Woolf

It's not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it's the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses.

― Virginia Woolf

I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman. ― Virginia Woolf

I am reading six books at once, the only way of reading; since, as you will agree, one book is only a single unaccompanied note, and to get the full sound, one needs ten others at the same time.

― Virginia Woolf

To depend upon a profession is a less odious form of slavery than to depend upon a father.

― Virginia Woolf

So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say.

― Virginia Woolf

The connection between dress and war is not far to seek; your finest clothes are those you wear as soldiers.

― Virginia Woolf

The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity.

― Virginia Woolf

When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly.

― Virginia Woolf

I have lost friends, some by death... others by sheer inability to cross the street.

― Virginia Woolf

This is not writing at all. Indeed, I could say that Shakespeare surpasses literature altogether, if I knew what I meant.

― Virginia Woolf

Alone, I often fall down into nothingness. I must push my foot stealthily lest I should fall off the edge of the world into nothingness. I have to bang my head against some hard door to call myself back to the body.

― Virginia Woolf

Let a man get up and say, Behold, this is the truth, and instantly I perceive a sandy cat filching a piece of fish in the background. Look, you have forgotten the cat, I say.

― Virginia Woolf

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. ― Virginia Woolf

I am made and remade continually. Different people draw different words from me.

― Virginia Woolf

Great bodies of people are never responsible for what they do.

― Virginia Woolf

She had the perpetual sense, as she watched the taxi cabs, of being out, out, far out to sea and alone; she always had the feeling that it was very, very, dangerous to live even one day.

― Virginia Woolf

This is an important book, the critic assumes, because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room.

― Virginia Woolf

To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is.... at last, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away...

― Virginia Woolf

It is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry or any other handling that could make it ridiculous, or too unlike the original to be believed any longer.

― Virginia Woolf

He thought her beautiful, believed her impeccably wise; dreamed of her, wrote poems to her, which, ignoring the subject, she corrected in red ink.

― Virginia Woolf

The beautiful seems right by force of beauty, and the feeble wrong because of weakness.

― Virginia Woolf

I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life.

― Virginia Woolf

A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.

― Virginia Woolf

The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself. ― Virginia Woolf

What does the brain matter compared with the heart?

― Virginia Woolf

One has to secrete a jelly in which to slip quotations down people's throats - and one always secretes too much jelly.

― Virginia Woolf

Literature is strewn with the wreckage of those who have minded beyond reason the opinion of others.

― Virginia Woolf

You send a boy to school in order to make friends - the right sort.

― Virginia Woolf

For it would seem - her case proved it - that we write, not with the fingers, but with the whole person. The nerve which controls the pen winds itself about every fibre of our being, threads the heart, pierces the liver.

― Virginia Woolf

If you insist upon fighting to protect me, or 'our' country, let it be understood soberly and rationally between us that you are fighting to gratify a sex instinct which I cannot share; to procure benefits where I have not shared and probably will not share.

― Virginia Woolf

I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything.

― Virginia Woolf

Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory.

― Virginia Woolf

I meant to write about death, only life came breaking in as usual.

― Virginia Woolf

Nothing induces me to read a novel except when I have to make money by writing about it. I detest them.

― Virginia Woolf

How many times have people used a pen or paintbrush because they couldn't pull the trigger? ― Virginia Woolf

And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.

― Virginia Woolf

Somewhere, everywhere, now hidden, now apparent in what ever is written down, is the form of a human being. If we seek to know him, are we idly occupied?

― Virginia Woolf

It might be possible that the world itself is without meaning.

― Virginia Woolf

I want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing: have no time to waste any more on prose.

― Virginia Woolf

He smiled the most exquisite smile, veiled by memory, tinged by dreams.

― Virginia Woolf

There can be no two opinions as to what a highbrow is. He is the man or woman of thoroughbred intelligence who rides his mind at a gallop across country in pursuit of an idea.

― Virginia Woolf

When I cannot see words curling like rings of smoke round me I am in darkness—I am nothing.

― Virginia Woolf

One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune than when they triumph.

― Virginia Woolf

Did it matter then, she asked herself, walking towards Bond Street, did it matter that she must inevitably cease completely? All this must go on without her; did she resent it; or did it not become consoling to believe that death ended absolutely?

― Virginia Woolf

It seems as if an age of genius must be succeeded by an age of endeavour; riot and extravagance by cleanliness and hard work.

― Virginia Woolf

I don't believe in aging. I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun.

― Virginia Woolf

For what Harley Street specialist has time to understand the body, let alone the mind or both in combination, when he is a slave to thirteen thousand a year?

― Virginia Woolf

Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation.

― Virginia Woolf

A masterpiece is something said once and for all, stated, finished, so that it's there complete in the mind, if only at the back.

― Virginia Woolf

Blame it or praise it, there is no denying the wild horse in us.

― Virginia Woolf

The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own.

― Virginia Woolf

I am in the mood to dissolve in the sky.

― Virginia Woolf

I'm sick to death of this particular self. I want another.

― Virginia Woolf

Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by heart and his friends can only read the title.

― Virginia Woolf

"I want to write a novel about Silence," he said; "the things people don't say."

― Virginia Woolf

Almost any biographer, if he respects facts, can give us much more than another fact to add to our collection. He can give us the creative fact; the fertile fact; the fact that suggests and engenders.

― Virginia Woolf

Friendships, even the best of them, are frail things. One drifts apart.

― Virginia Woolf

I worship you, but I loathe marriage. I hate its smugness, its safety, its compromise and the thought of you interfering with my work, hindering me; what would you answer?

― Virginia Woolf

It is a thousand pities never to say what one feels.

― Virginia Woolf

We are nauseated by the sight of trivial personalities decomposing in the eternity of print.

― Virginia Woolf

To want and not to have, sent all up her body a hardness, a hollowness, a strain. And then to want and not to have- to want and want- how that wrung the heart, and wrung it again and again!

― Virginia Woolf

Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners.

― Virginia Woolf

Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I'm never not thinking of you.

― Virginia Woolf

For this moment, this one moment, we are together. I press you to me. Come, pain, feed on me. Bury your fangs in my flesh. Tear me asunder. I sob, I sob.

― Virginia Woolf

I detest the masculine point of view. I am bored by his heroism, virtue, and honour. I think the best these men can do is not talk about themselves anymore.

― Virginia Woolf

And the poem, I think, is only your voice speaking.

― Virginia Woolf

They went in and out of each other's minds without any effort.

― Virginia Woolf

By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess yourselves of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream

― Virginia Woolf

The beauty of the world.... has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.

― Virginia Woolf

How many times have people used a pen or paintbrush because they couldn't pull the trigger?

― Virginia Woolf

I really don't advise a woman who wants to have things her own way to get married.

― Virginia Woolf

I want someone to sit beside after the day's pursuit and all its anguish, after its listening, and its waitings, and its suspicions. After quarrelling and reconciliation I need privacy - to be alone with you, to set this hubbub in order. For I am as neat as a cat in my habits.

― Virginia Woolf

Often on a wet day I begin counting up; what I've read and what I haven't read.

― Virginia Woolf

I begin to long for some little language such as lovers use, broken words, inarticulate words, like the shuffling of feet on pavement.

― Virginia Woolf

About here, she thought, dabbling her fingers in the water, a ship had sunk, and she muttered, dreamily half asleep, how we perished, each alone.

― Virginia Woolf

To love makes one solitary.

― Virginia Woolf

Arrange whatever pieces come your way.

― Virginia Woolf

I feel so intensely the delights of shutting oneself up in a little world of one's own, with pictures and music and everything beautiful.

― Virginia Woolf

I need silence, and to be alone and to go out, and to save one hour to consider what has happened to my world, what death has done to my world.

― Virginia Woolf

Really I don't like human nature unless all candied over with art.

― Virginia Woolf

It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes makes its way to the surface.

― Virginia Woolf

Beauty was not everything. Beauty had this penalty - it came too readily, came too completely. It stilled life - froze it.

― Virginia Woolf

My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery - always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud. And why? What's this passion for?

― Virginia Woolf

Was not writing poetry a secret transaction, a voice answering a voice?

― Virginia Woolf

It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.

― Virginia Woolf

There is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.

― Virginia Woolf

Never let anybody guess that you have a mind of your own. Above all be pure.

― Virginia Woolf

The world wavered and quivered and threatened to burst into flames.

― Virginia Woolf

I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.

― Virginia Woolf

It was a silly, silly dream, being unhappy.

― Virginia Woolf

Who shall measure the heat and violence of a poet's heart when caught and tangled in a woman's body?

― Virginia Woolf

He who robs us of our dreams robs us of our life.

― Virginia Woolf

No passion is stronger in the breast of a man than the desire to make others believe as he believes. Nothing so cuts at the root of his happiness and fills him with rage as the sense that another rates low what he prizes high.

― Virginia Woolf

I was always going to the bookcase for another sip of the divine specific.

― Virginia Woolf

I need not hate any man; he cannot hurt me. I need not flatter any man; he has nothing to give me.

― Virginia Woolf

It is no use trying to sum people up.

― Virginia Woolf

By the truth we are undone. Life is a dream. Tis the waking that kills us. He who robs us of our dreams robs us of our life.

― Virginia Woolf

"But when we sit together, close," said Bernard, "we melt into each other with phrases. We are edged with mist. We make an unsubstantial territory."

― Virginia Woolf

Illusions are to the soul what atmosphere is to the earth.

― Virginia Woolf

So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there that the sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in the sky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea.

― Virginia Woolf

But then anyone who's worth anything reads just what he likes, as the mood takes him, and with extravagant enthusiasm.

― Virginia Woolf

Peter would think her sentimental. So she was. For she had come to feel that it was the only thing worth saying - what one felt. Cleverness was silly. One must say simply what one felt.

― Virginia Woolf

Yes, I deserve a spring I owe nobody nothing.

― Virginia Woolf

Life stand still here.

― Virginia Woolf

The flower bloomed and faded. The sun rose and sank. The lover loved and went. And what the poets said in rhyme, the young translated into practice.

― Virginia Woolf

On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points.

― Virginia Woolf

To put it in a nutshell, he was afflicted with a love of literature. It was the fatal nature of this disease to substitute a phantom for reality.

― Virginia Woolf

When the body escaped mutilation, seldom did the heart go to the grave unscarred.

― Virginia Woolf

I am not one and simple, but complex and many.

― Virginia Woolf

Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.

― Virginia Woolf

But nothing is so strange when one is in love (and what was this except being in love?) as the complete indifference of other people.

― Virginia Woolf

Better was it to go unknown and leave behind you an arch, then to burn like a meteor and leave no dust.

― Virginia Woolf

Women and fiction remain, so far as I am concerned, unsolved problems.

― Virginia Woolf

No, she thought, one could say nothing to nobody. The urgency of the moment always missed its mark. Words fluttered sideways and struck the object inches too low.

― Virginia Woolf

Moments like this are buds on the tree of life. Flowers of darkness they are.

― Virginia Woolf

Happiness is in the quiet, ordinary things. A table, a chair, a book with a paper-knife stuck between the pages. And the petal falling from the rose, and the light flickering as we sit silent.

― Virginia Woolf

What is this terror? what is this ecstasy? he thought to himself. What is it that fills me with this extraordinary excitement? It is Clarissa, he said. For there she was.

― Virginia Woolf

She always had the feeling that it was very, very dangerous to live even one day.

― Virginia Woolf

For masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.

― Virginia Woolf

For books continue each other, in spite of our habit of judging them separately.

― Virginia Woolf

We are cut, we are fallen. We are become part of that unfeeling universe that sleeps when we are at our quickest and burns red when we lie asleep.

― Virginia Woolf

Green in nature is one thing, green in literature another. Nature and letters seem to have a natural antipathy; bring them together and they tear each other to pieces.

― Virginia Woolf

Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul. She becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.

― Virginia Woolf

I do not want to be admired. I want to give, to be given, and solitude in which to unfold my possessions.

― Virginia Woolf

Once she knows how to read there's only one thing you can teach her to believe in and that is herself.

― Virginia Woolf

Fear no more, says the heart, committing its burden to some sea, which sighs collectively for all sorrows, and renews, begins, collects, lets fall.

― Virginia Woolf

The most extraordinary thing about writing is that when you've struck the right vein, tiredness goes. It must be an effort, thinking wrong.

― Virginia Woolf

Why, if it was an illusion, not praise the catastrophe, whatever it was, that destroyed illusion and put truth in it's place?

― Virginia Woolf

And you wish to be a poet; and you wish to be a lover.

― Virginia Woolf

The moment was all; the moment was enough.

― Virginia Woolf

Never pretend that the things you haven't got are not worth having.

― Virginia Woolf

Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and dark square is a picture feverishly turned - in search of what? It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?

― Virginia Woolf

All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn, for it was she who earned them the right to speak their minds.

― Virginia Woolf

First a warning, musical; then the hour, irrevocable. The leaden circles dissolved in the air.

― Virginia Woolf

For it was not knowledge but unity that she desired, not inscriptions on tablets, nothing that could be written in any language known to men, but intimacy itself, which is knowledge

― Virginia Woolf

All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped core of darkness, something invisible to others.

― Virginia Woolf

Have you any notion how many books are written about women in the course of one year? Have you any notion how many are written by men? Are you aware that you are, perhaps, the most discussed animal in the universe?

― Virginia Woolf

The very stone one kicks with one's boot will outlast Shakespeare.

― Virginia Woolf

Her life was a tissue of vanity and deceit.

― Virginia Woolf

I prefer men to cauliflowers.

― Virginia Woolf

What if I told you I'm incapable of tolerating my own heart?

― Virginia Woolf

For once the disease of reading has laid upon the system it weakens so that it falls an easy prey to that other scourge which dwells in the ink pot and festers in the quill. The wretch takes to writing.

― Virginia Woolf

Indeed there has never been any explanation of the ebb and flow in our veins - of happiness and unhappiness.

― Virginia Woolf

Anyone who's worth anything reads just what he likes, as the mood takes him, and with extravagant enthusiasm.

― Virginia Woolf

These moments of escape are not to be despised. They come too seldom.

― Virginia Woolf

Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semitransparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.

― Virginia Woolf

Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigues, I have had my vision.

― Virginia Woolf

To let oneself be carried on passively is unthinkable.

― Virginia Woolf

I feel that by writing I am doing what is far more necessary than anything else.

― Virginia Woolf

He called her a melon, a pineapple, an olive tree, an emerald, and a fox in the snow all in the space of three seconds; he did not know whether he had heard her, tasted her, seen her, or all three together.

― Virginia Woolf

Truth had run through my fingers. Every drop had escaped.

― Virginia Woolf

It is strange how a scrap of poetry works in the mind and makes the legs move in time to it along the road.

― Virginia Woolf

But beauty must be broken daily to remain beautiful.

― Virginia Woolf

But Sasha was from Russia, where the sunsets are longer, the dawns less sudden and sentences are often left unfinished from doubt as how to best end them.

― Virginia Woolf

Clumsiness is often mated with a love of solitude.

― Virginia Woolf

A sort of transaction went on between them, in which she was on one side, and life was on another, and she was always trying to get the better of it, as it was of her.

― Virginia Woolf

Now begins to rise in me the familiar rhythm; words that have lain dormant now lift, now toss their crests, and fall and rise, and falls again. I am a poet, yes. Surely I am a great poet.

― Virginia Woolf

The older one grows, the more one likes indecency.

― Virginia Woolf

Her heart was made of liquid sunsets.

― Virginia Woolf

It's not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it's the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses.

― Virginia Woolf

My brain hums with scraps of poetry and madness.

― Virginia Woolf

But nevertheless, the fact remained, it was almost impossible to dislike anyone if one looked at them.

― Virginia Woolf

Up here my eyes are green leaves, unseeing.

― Virginia Woolf

I desired always to stretch the night and fill it fuller and fuller with dreams.

― Virginia Woolf

Are we so made that we have to take death in small doses daily or we could not go on with the business of living?

― Virginia Woolf

Human beings have neither kindness, nor faith, nor charity beyond what serves to increase the pleasure of the moment.

― Virginia Woolf

Some we know to be dead even though they walk among us; some are not yet born though they go through all the forms of life; other are hundreds of years old though they call themselves thirty-six.

― Virginia Woolf

I am drowning, my dear, in seas of fire.

― Virginia Woolf

I think sometimes I am not a woman, but the light that falls on this gate, on this ground. I am the seasons, I think sometimes, January, May, November; the mud, the mist, the dawn.

― Virginia Woolf

Still, life had a way of adding day to day.

― Virginia Woolf

Her eyes are pure stars, and her fingers, if they touch you, freeze you to the bone.

― Virginia Woolf

It is much more important to be oneself than anything else. Do not dream of influencing other people.... Think of things in themselves.

― Virginia Woolf

And yet, the only exciting life is the imaginary one.

― Virginia Woolf

Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.

― Virginia Woolf

Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world's view of us.

― Virginia Woolf

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